After yesterday's storm, the piano and voice emerged from the fog, guided by the Moog pattern. From here, a new keyboard melody developed, which also worked as a nice counter-melody to the main vocal line.
(A couple listeners have compared this music to Gorecki's "Symphony No. 3" and Rachmaninoff's "Vocalise", and for that I'm very grateful. It's always so interesting to hear what others pick up from a piece of music.)
For today's session, I kept to my "simplicity" rule, using only 3 instruments at any given moment. This really allowed each part to have its own space, and the music has a lot of breathing room and a gentle flow.
Following a suggestion to be more "daring", I brought in a new bass sequence at the 4:28 mark. From here, I feel like this music is now taking us deep into a forest. This is where I will begin for tomorrow's session.
What you have created so far is sounding awesome.... it keeps reminding me of Philip Glass' music from Koyaanisqatsi at the moment, but, of course, life really is out of balance these days... I hope (musically) that the forest represents more than a cliche'...
like the voice better than the moog (is that what it is carrying the same note as the voice some of the time?) but that is my bias, not a synthesizer fan, sorry...and there is something in the 123456 run of notes that i keep wanting to stop and make 123, 123, 123. my own bias is some cycles of repetition become too much the same for me. like the vocal change and the shift around 4:22. i like texture, rhythm, downbeats, things in 7, 9, 13...i worked with gina leishman, can ya tell;) and the forrest...spent some time today with 2 kids who just lost their mom. they had stuffed elves 'taking care of them', so maybe some…
Alp horns over a valley, then cold, forebodIng Donner Party winds. Then we are saved and soothed by the unearthly voice and the structure introduced by the keyboards
A fairy ritual
I like the minimalism in using the three instruments. With this section, I felt as though the "voice" of the forest was luring me deeper into the forest passed the more indistinct voices of the wind into a place deeper in the forest where a less foreboding voice takes over. At a certain point, I could see thousands of tiny lights emerge from the depth of the forest, dancing past on the air through the trees like fireflies or even fairies. But there is still an air of mystery about it. Near the end when the percussion comes in, I felt like I had arrived at the heart of the forest. The passage through the forest reminds me o…